One of Nicaragua’s wildest regions! Untouched rainforests, biological nature reserves, unique wetlands, rich biodiversity, lush vegetation, fascinating wild life, secluded rural communities, eco-lodges, interesting history and amazing waterways are indeed good reasons to start packing and join us in this amazing river journey.

The region of Rio San Juan is a great place for nature enthusiasts. Caimans along the river bank can be spotted as well as green iguanas, white faced monkeys and certainly many species of water birds.

Rio San Juan has seen the development of eco-lodges dedicated to preserving and involving the communities in friendly environmental practices. Besides eco-tourism this region offers world-class fresh water fishing, especially for the tarpon sport fishermen.

Historical towns such as El Castillo and San Carlos are also important destinations where nature and history blend perfectly. Both villages were used as strategic spots for building fortresses on their highest hills. Today El Castillo still features the famous fort of “La Inmaculada Concepcion” where historic battles between Spanish and English, French, and Dutch pirates took place. Rio San Juan is the most famous river in the country because of its potential in the past as a possible water canal during the XIX century. It was also used as a water way by the European and American gold seekers between 1849 and 1869.

Some unique features of San Juan River include:

  • The Indio Maiz Biological Reserve is the second largest Nicaraguan rain forest situated in the south east of the country, bordering the San Juan River. Amazing large tropical trees, colorful poisonous dart frogs, howler monkeys, bromeliad plants, reptiles, several species of beautiful butterflies are part of the rich biodiversity within the reserve.

  • Los Guatuzos Wildlife Refuge and Papaturro River both offer fascinating natural surroundings, where several species of birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians and plants can be observed.

  • Another amazing natural and cultural site is the Solentiname Archipelago, made up of 36 volcanic islands, nestled in the southeast of Lake Nicaragua. A place with spectacular sunsets where communities are devoted to art, painting and sculpting.


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